7 SEO Mistakes That Cause Low Pageview for Bloggers

7 SEO Mistakes By Bloggers That Cause Low Pageview


What is SEO?

SEO is a short form for “Search engine optimization.” It is a long-term marketing strategy to improve a website’s visibility and organic search results in Google and other global search engines.

You must know about SEO or risk low pageviews if you’re a blogger. Unfortunately, many bloggers make common mistakes that can result in low pageviews.

SEO can make or break a blog’s success, and many bloggers struggle with optimizing their content effectively.

Despite their best efforts, they often make mistakes that can lead to low pageviews, reducing their chances of reaching a wider audience.

Understanding and implementing SEO best practices is crucial for bloggers who want to increase their website traffic, improve their search engine rankings, and ultimately grow their readership.

This article will explore some of the most common SEO mistakes bloggers make and provide actionable tips to help you avoid them.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, mastering SEO is critical to achieving long-term success in the competitive blogging world.


The 7 Biggest SEO Mistakes By Bloggers


1. Lack of proper keyword targeting

You could miss out on traffic and engagement if you’re not correctly targeting keywords in your blog content.

Here’s how a lack of proper keyword targeting can affect your blog:

1. You could be writing great content that no one is searching for
2. You could be writing content that is poorly optimized for the keywords you are targeting
3. You could be missing out on opportunities to rank for long-tail keywords
4. You could be wasting time and effort writing content that no one will ever read
5. Your blog traffic could suffer as a result

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing keywords for your blog:

1. Relevancy is critical.

Ensure the keywords you’re targeting are relevant to the topic of your blog post. Otherwise, people who find your post via those keywords will be disappointed and likely won’t convert into customers.

2. Long-tail keywords are often more effective than short-tail keywords.

A long-tail keyword is more specific than a general, short-tail keyword. For example, instead of targeting “shoes”, you might target the long-tail keyword “women’s running shoes.”

Long-tail keywords tend to have less competition and can be easier to rank for in search engines.

3. Consider using both broad and narrow keywords.

Broad keywords are general terms that describe your product or service, while narrow keywords are concrete terms that target a particular audience or market niche. Using both keywords, you can reach more people with your blog content.

List of tools to help with blog Keyword targeting: 

There are a variety of tools that can help with blog keyword targeting. Some of these tools are free, while others are paid.

The Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a free tool that can be used to research keywords for your blog. Simply enter a few seed keywords related to your topic, and the Keyword Planner will generate a list of related keywords. You can then use this list to target keywords in your blog posts.

Another free tool that can be used for keyword research is Google Trends. This tool lets you see how popular specific keywords are over time. This can help determine which keywords to target and when to publish blog posts featuring those keywords (for example, you might want to target seasonal keywords).

Several options are available if you’re willing to spend some money on keyword research tools. semrush is one such tool; it offers a variety of features designed to help with keyword research and targeted content creation.

Another option is SpyFu.

Both tools offer trial periods, so you can try them before committing to a monthly subscription.

Other practical tools are:

1. Google AdWords Keyword Planner
2. Google Trends
3. Wordstream’s Free Keyword Tool
4. SERPstat
5. SECockpit
6. KWFinder
7. Long Tail Pro


2. Producing Low-quality content

There are a few reasons why producing low-quality content is a mistake bloggers make.

For one, it will likely turn readers away from your blog. If someone comes across a poorly written post or doesn’t offer much value, they’re not likely to come back.

Additionally, Google and other search engines algorithmically downrank sites with thin or poor-quality content.

Your blog won’t appear as high in search results, and you’ll miss out on potential traffic (and, therefore, revenue).

Another reason producing low-quality content is a mistake is that it can damage your reputation.

If people start to associate your blog with being unprofessional or unreliable, it will be hard to build trust and credibility.

This can be especially harmful if you’re trying to monetize your blog through sponsorships or affiliate marketing relationships.

So overall, producing low-quality content is a big mistake for bloggers. It hurts your traffic, ranking, and reputation—all essential for success as a blogger.

If you want to avoid making this mistake, put time and effort into creating well-written and informative posts that will provide value for your readers.

How to write high-quality blog content:

1. Write about topics that you’re passionate about.
2. Do your research and write with authority on the topic.
3. Write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style.
4. Engage your readers by using strong headlines and exciting stories.
5. Use images, infographics, and videos to break up your text and add visual interest.
6. Promote your content through social media and other channels.

There is no one answer to this question since what makes a blog post high quality can vary depending on the blog’s topic, audience, and purpose.

However, some general tips can help you write high-quality blog content regardless of your specific goals.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing your next blog post:

1. Write with your audience in mind –

Who are you writing for? What kind of information do they need or want? Keep your target reader in mind as you write so that you can create content that is relevant and useful to them.

2. Make it easy to read –

Use short paragraphs and straightforward language so your readers can easily digest the information you share. Breaking up your text with headings and subheadings can also help make your content more scannable.

3. Include visuals –

People are visual learners, so including images, infographics, videos, etc., and your written content can help make your point more effective. Just be sure to choose visuals that are high quality and add value to your article (rather than simply taking up space)


The average internet user has a concise attention span, and if they click on a link to your blog post only to find that the link is broken, they’re likely just to move on.

This is why it’s essential to ensure all of the links on your blog are working – not just for the sake of your readers but also for your page views.

If you have a lot of broken links on your blog, it can also hurt your search engine ranking.

Search engines like Google consider the number of times a particular link is clicked when determining where to rank a website or page in their search results.

So if you have a lot of broken links, it could negatively impact your visibility in search results.

There are a few different ways to fix broken links on your blog.

If you’re using WordPress, some great plugins can help with this (like Broken Link Checker). Or, you can do a manual check by clicking through all the links on your site yourself.

Whatever method you choose, taking the time to fix any broken links on your blog will be worth it in terms of improved reader experience and higher pageviews.


Advantages of fixing your blog broken links

There are several advantages of fixing broken links in your blog.

First, it helps ensure your readers can access the information they need.

Second, it can help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by ensuring all your links work correctly.

Third, it shows that you are taking care of your blog and keeping it up-to-date.

Finally, fixing broken links can help build trust with your readership.

How to quickly fix blog broken links

If you have broken links on your blog, you must first identify where they are. You can do this by running a link checker tool or manually checking each link on your site.

Once you know where the broken links are, you need to fix them. If the broken links point to pages that no longer exist, you will need to update the links to point to new pages.

If the broken links point to no longer available resources, you will need to find new resources and update the links accordingly.

Once you have updated all of the broken links on your blog, rerun a link checker tool to ensure that all the links are working correctly.


4. Ignoring regular website audits

If you’re not regularly auditing your website, you’re missing out on valuable insights that could help you boost your pageviews.

By ignoring website audits, you could be making simple changes that could significantly impact your traffic.

Website audits can help you identify areas of improvement on your site, such as:

– slow loading pages
– errors or broken links
– poor mobile usability
– unoptimized content

Small changes in these areas can significantly affect your page views.

For example, if your site is loading slowly, visitors will likely leave before they can see what you offer.

And if your content isn’t optimized for search engines, you’re missing out on potential traffic from people searching for what you have to offer.

Regularly auditing your website is essential to maintaining and improving your site’s performance.

If you’re not doing it already, start incorporating website audits into your routine and see the difference it makes in your pageviews!


Steps to audit your blog website

1. Check your site’s stats to see how many people visit your blog and which pages they view.

2. Use Google Analytics or another similar service to track where your traffic comes from and what keywords people use to find your site.

3. Review your most popular posts and make sure they’re still relevant and engaging.

4. Look at your social media accounts and see how much engagement you get on each platform.

5. Make sure all of the links on your site are working correctly and there’s no broken content.

6. Check for spelling errors or typos throughout your blog content.


List of different tools for website audit

Several tools can help bloggers with website audits to increase pageviews. Here is a list of some of the most popular and effective tools available:

1. Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a free tool that gives website owners detailed insights into their website traffic. It can help identify areas where your website could be improved to attract more visitors and increase pageviews.

2. Crazy Egg:

Crazy Egg is a paid service that provides heat maps and other visualizations of how users interact with websites. This information can be valuable in identifying areas where your website could be better optimized to improve user experience and increase pageviews.

3. Pingdom:

Pingdom is a paid service that provides detailed website performance insights. It can help identify bottlenecks and other issues causing your website to load slowly, negatively impacting pageviews.

4. GTmetrix:

GTmetrix is a free tool that analyzes the performance of websites and provides actionable recommendations on improving speed and optimizing various aspects of your site.

Faster loading times can lead to higher pageview counts as users are less likely to abandon slow-loading pages before fully loading.


5. Writing Content That is Too Short to Rank

There are a few key reasons why writing content that is too short can hurt your ranking and cause low pageviews.

First, search engines prefer longer articles when indexing and ranking pages. This is because they assume that longer articles are more comprehensive and provide a better user experience.

Additionally, shorter articles are more likely to be skimmed or ignored altogether by readers, making them less likely to generate pageviews.

Finally, shorter articles tend to have lower organic reach on social media platforms, where users increasingly discover new content.

These factors can make it difficult for shorter articles to rank well in search engines and generate high traffic.

If you want your content to succeed, focusing on quality over quantity is essential.

Write comprehensive, well-researched articles that add value for your readers, even if they’re longer than you might typically publish.

Ultimately, this will help you attract more visitors and achieve higher rankings in search engine results pages.


How to write long and high-quality blog content to increase pageviews

To write long blog content that will increase pageviews, you’ll need first to identify what topics are most popular with your target audience.

Once you know what topics interest them, you can start brainstorming ideas for longer blog posts covering them in more depth.

Some tips to keep in mind when writing longer blog content include:

  • make sure your post is well-organized and easy to follow
  • use subheadings to break up the text
  • help readers navigate through your piece
  • include plenty of helpful visuals (e.g., photos, infographics, charts) to engage readers further.

To promote your longer blog posts once published, share them on social media and other online platforms where your target audience is active.

You can also reach out to influencers in your industry or niche who may be interested in sharing your content with their followers.


When driving traffic to your blog, internal links are just as important as external ones. Overlooking internal links can result in lower pageviews for bloggers.

Internal linking is crucial because it helps search engines understand the structure of your site and find new content more easily.

It also helps users navigate your site and discover new content. Internal linking can boost your SEO and help you rank higher in search results when done correctly.

However, if you’re not paying attention to your internal links, they can hurt your blog’s performance.

If too many or too few links are on a page, it can confuse search engines and make it difficult for them to index your content correctly.

Additionally, broken or outdated links can frustrate users and cause them to leave your site without taking any action (such as subscribing to your blog or making a purchase).

To avoid these problems,

  • be sure to monitor your internal link structure regularly
  • check for broken links and update them promptly
  • add new internal links when you publish new content
  • remove old ones that are no longer relevant

By paying attention to your internal links, you can ensure that they’re helping rather than hindering your blog’s



  1. Semrush
  2. SE Ranking
  3. Act-On
  4. SpyFu
  5. Similarweb
  6. Serpstat
  7. Ahrefs
  8. Bloomreach
  9. Moz Pro
  10. RankIQ
  11. Linkwhisper
  12. Autolinks Manager.


7. Poor Content Promotion

Bloggers don’t get enough pageviews because they don’t spend enough time promoting their content.

It’s not enough to publish a great post – you also need to make sure your target audience knows about it and can easily find it.

There are several ways to promote your content, including social media, email marketing, guest blogging, and paid advertising.

You’re missing out on much potential traffic if you’re not using these channels.

Another common mistake is promoting your content in all the wrong places.

Just because you have an audience on one platform doesn’t mean they’ll also be interested in what you say on another platform.

For example, if you have a blog about parenting, then promoting your latest post on a Facebook group for new moms is likely to be much more effective than promoting it on your personal Twitter account.

The key is identifying where your target audience hangs out online and then focusing.


What does lack of content promotion do to your pageviews

  • Lack of content promotion can decrease pageviews as potential readers are unaware of your content
  • This can also result in lower search engine rankings, as fresh and relevant content is one of the key factors that search engines use to determine rankings
  • a lack of content promotion can lead to a loss of social media followers, as they will be less likely to see and engage with your content if it is not promoted.


How to promote your blog content for increased pageviews

1. Use social media platforms to share your blog content and drive traffic to your site.

2. Use forums and discussion boards to promote your blog content and engage with potential readers.

3. Use guest blogging opportunities to reach new audiences and promote your content.

4. Submit your blog content to article directories and other online resources for increased exposure.

5. Optimize your blog posts for search engine visibility to attract organic traffic from searchers looking for relevant information.



By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can ensure that your blog posts are optimized for search engines and that they have a better chance of ranking high in the SERPs.

Do you have any other tips to add?

Let us know in the comments below!

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