How To Write A Blog Post That Converts

How to Write a Blog Post That Really Converts: 12 Ultimate Guides


Are you looking to start a blog or improve your current blog’s conversion rate?

How do you write a blog post that converts?

You’re in the right place.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to write a blog post that converts readers into customers or subscribers.

You know the saying – content is king. But what good is all that content if it’s not doing its job?

This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a blog post that converts.

We will cover topics like understanding your audience, creating compelling content, and using effective call-to-action. Following the tips in this guide can make blog posts that drive results.


Why is Blog Post Conversion Important in Blogging?

First, what is blog post conversion?

This question has no definitive answer, as it can mean different things depending on the context.

Generally speaking, blog post conversion refers to getting a reader to take some desired action after reading your blog post – whether signing up for a newsletter, downloading a digital product, or making a purchase.

There are several reasons why blog post conversion is essential in blogging.

  1.  It allows you to turn your blog readers into subscribers, essential for growing your blog.
  2.  Helps build relationships with readers
  3. Shows that you’re an expert in your field
  4. Establishes trust and credibility
  5. Drives traffic to your website or blog
  6. This can lead to new business opportunities.
  7. Finally, conversion can help you determine which topics are most important to your readers and where they might need more information.

The bottom line is that without effective conversion strategies, growing your blog or driving meaningful engagement with your content will be tough.

So if you’re serious about making your mark as a blogger, you must ensure you’re focused on optimizing your blog for conversions.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating a blog post that will get your readers to take action!

You must write with clarity and purpose to make your blog post more likely to convert. This 20-point guide will help you do just that.


1. Define your target blog audience

Before you start writing your blog post, it’s essential to think about who you are writing for. Who is your target audience? What are their needs and wants? What kind of language will they respond to?

Keep these questions in mind as you write your blog post so that you can create content that appeals to your target reader.

Once you clearly understand your target audience, you can start planning the content of your blog post. What kind of information do they need? What would be most beneficial to them?

Write down a few ideas and choose the one you think would be most helpful to your readers.

When creating content that converts, it’s important to remember that not everyone is looking for a sales pitch. Instead, focus on providing value and helpful information.

Doing this will make you more likely to convert readers into customers or subscribers.

Now that you know more about your target audience and their needs, it’s time to start writing!


2. Start with a clear headline that grabs the reader’s attention. 

Your blog’s headline is one of the first things a reader will see, so it’s essential to ensure it’s clear and attention-grabbing. A clear and catchy headline is the first, and maybe only, chance to make a good impression and entice your reader to keep reading.

So take some time to craft a headline that accurately reflects the content of your post and will grab your reader’s attention.

A good headline will entice readers to click through and read your blog post, so consider using some of the following tips to write a great headline for your next post:

  • Keep it short and sweet:

A headline should be easy to read and understand. Avoid long, complicated phrases or sentence fragments. Keeping your headlines short and sweet is essential for a few reasons.

First, people have shorter attention spans these days and are more likely to skim over a long headline than read it carefully.

Second, a headline that is easy to read and understand at a glance is more likely to catch someone’s eye and make them want to click on it to learn more.

And finally, long, complicated phrases or sentence fragments can be confusing and turn people off from reading your content.

So when crafting headlines, remember to keep it short and sweet for the best results!

  • Use active voice:

Active voice makes headlines more dynamic and engaging.

For example, “How to Make the Perfect Pie” is more interesting than “The Best Pie Recipe.”

Active voice is more dynamic and engaging, making it ideal for headlines. This is because an active voice engages the reader and encourages them to take action.

Additionally, active voice is shorter and more straightforward, which makes it easier for readers to understand.

  • Use strong keywords:

Include relevant keywords in your headline so that readers can easily find your post when searching online.

However, don’t stuff your headline with too many keywords – this will make it difficult to read and could turn off potential readers.

  • Make it unique:

Your headline should set your blog post apart from all others on the internet. Consider what makes your post unique or different, and use that as inspiration for your headline.


3. Be specific about what you want your readers to take away from your post.

You want your readers to take away from your post that you are an expert on the topic and that they can trust your opinion.

After reading your post, you also want them to feel like they have learned something.

Are these your goals? Good.

Then, the most important thing is to be clear about what message you want your readers to take away from your post. This means being concise and to the point in your writing.

Start with a strong opening that will grab attention, and make sure each subsequent paragraph supports your main idea. Use concrete examples, stories, or data to illustrate your points.

And finally, end with a firm conclusion summarising everything you’ve covered and driving home your central message.

Following these tips will ensure your readers leave your blog post informed and enlightened on whatever topic you cover.


4. Write conversationally, making your readers feel like they’re talking to you directly.

Regarding writing in a conversational tone, the best advice is to be yourself! Write as you speak to someone in person, and try to keep things light and friendly.

Of course, every situation is different, so use your best judgment.

But overall, remember that your goal is to make whoever is reading feel like they’re talking to a natural person, not some stuffy corporate entity.

Some people might think that a conversational tone is unprofessional or even amateurish. But I believe that the opposite is true. A conversational tone is one of the essential elements of successful blogging.

Here’s why: when you write in a conversational tone, you make your readers feel like they’re talking to you directly. And when your readers feel like they’re talking to you directly, they’re more likely to engage with your content and return for more.

Plus, let’s be honest: everyone loves feeling part of a conversation. It makes us feel connected and involved. And when we feel connected and involved, we’re more likely to stick around and keep reading (or listening or watching).

So if you want to build a successful blog – or any successful online presence – make sure you keep things conversational. Talk to your readers.

This way, it’s easy for them to visualize what is happening.


5. Write an engaging opening paragraph that sets the tone for the rest of your article.

There’s no one perfect way to start an article. The opening paragraph should engage readers and set the tone for the rest of the piece, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule for how to do it.

The most important thing is to ensure that your opening paragraph is exciting and relevant to the rest of your article.

Your blog post should start with an engaging introduction that will make your readers want to continue reading.

Write a summary of the blog post and why it is essential. Include a strong headline that accurately reflects the content of the post.

One approach is to start with a strong hook that will grab readers’ attention and make them want to keep reading.

This could be a surprising statistic, an intriguing question, or a vivid description of a scene or event. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s directly related to the topic of your article.

Another approach is to start with background information to help readers understand what you’re talking about.

This might include a brief history of the issue you’re discussing or critical facts and figures. Again, whatever you have should be relevant to the rest of your article.

Whichever approach you choose, ensure your opening paragraph is well-written and engaging, so readers will want to stick around for more.


6. Use relevant keywords throughout your post so search engine crawlers can find it easily.

When writing a post, it’s essential to include relevant keywords throughout the text so that search engine crawlers can easily find and index your content.

By having keywords in your title, in the body of your post, and in your tags and categories, you can ensure that your post will be properly indexed by search engines and appear in search results when someone searches for those terms.

In addition to using relevant keywords, it’s also important to use keyword-rich phrases and sentences.

For example, writing a post about marketing on social media might include the word “social media marketing” or “marketing on Facebook” several times throughout the text.

This tells search engine crawlers that your content is relevant to those topics and should be included in search results for those terms.

It’s also important to use synonyms for your keywords throughout the post. This helps broaden the reach of your content and ensures that it will be found even if someone searches for a slightly different term than what you’ve used.

For instance, writing about social media marketing tactics, you could also use the word “strategies” throughout the text.

Finally, update your posts regularly with new, relevant content.

Doing this will help keep your position in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and ensure it remains easily findable for potential readers.


7. Use images, infographics, or videos to break up your text and make your points more visually appealing.

People are visual creatures and are likelier to engage with accessible content on the eyes.

Break up the text and add visual interest when creating a blog post, including images, infographics, or videos. Ensure any visuals you have are relevant to the topic and add value to the content.

Including visuals can also help your blog post stand out in search results since people are likelier to click on an image than plain text.

If you don’t have any original visuals to include, there are plenty of free stock photo sites you can use, such as Unsplash and Pexels.

If you want your blog post to convert, you must use strong images. People are visual creatures and respond to an image before reading a word of text.

Ensure your images are high-quality and relevant to the topic of your blog post. Also, don’t forget to use alt text so that people who can’t see the images can still understand your blog post.


8. Make a clear call to action

If you want your blog post to convert, you must have a clear call to action. Use strong calls to action throughout your blog post, urging readers to take a specific desired action.

You must tell your readers what you want them to do, whether signing up for your email list, downloading a free PDF, or anything else.

Your call to action should be clear and easy to find. Don’t hide it at the bottom of your post or bury it in a sea of text. Instead, make it bold and prominent so readers can’t miss it.

Once you set your call to action, ensure it’s effective by testing it.

See how many people click on it and take the desired action. If it’s not converting as well as you’d like, try changing the wording or the offer.

With a solid call to action, you can turn your blog post into a powerful marketing tool to help you achieve your business goals.


9. Write compelling meta descriptions for each blog post, including relevant keywords to help improve your SEO ranking.

The most important thing to remember when writing meta descriptions is that they should be compelling and relevant to the blog post.

Meta descriptions are meant to give readers a summary of the blog post so they can decide whether or not it is something they’re interested in reading.

Remember this when writing your meta descriptions, and include information that piques readers’ interest.

Features of compelling meta descriptions blog post:

1. They should be under 155 characters
2. They should accurately describe the content of the blog post
3. They should be keyword rich
4. They should entice readers to click through to the blog post


10. Promote your blog post across social media platforms and email newsletters to reach a wider audience.

There are many advantages to promoting your blog post for conversion.

Doing so can increase the number of people who see your content, leading to more traffic and higher search engine rankings.

Additionally, promoting your blog post can help you build relationships with other bloggers and influencers in your industry, leading to more guest posting and collaboration opportunities.

Finally, promoting your blog post can also help you generate leads and customers for your business.

You can promote your blog post across social media platforms and in email newsletters to reach a broader audience in several ways.

One way is to share the link to your blog post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also share the link in the email newsletters you send to your subscribers.

Another way to promote your blog post is to submit it to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon. This will help get your blog post more exposure and traffic.

You can also try submitting your blog post to article directories such as EzineArticles and GoArticles. This will give your article more backlinks and visibility.

Finally, you can promote your blog post by writing guest posts related to your topic on other blogs. This is a great way to get exposure for you and your blog.


11. Proofread and thoroughly edit your blog post

Before you publish your blog post, make sure to edit it. Review your work carefully before publishing it to avoid embarrassing mistakes that could turn off potential converts.

This will ensure that your readers can understand your message and take action on it.

Making your blog post easy to read and understand will help convince your readers to take action, whether clicking through to your website or subscribing to your newsletter.

Once you’ve written your blog post, it’s essential to take the time to edit and proofread it before publishing. A well-written blog post will be easy to understand and help convince readers to take action.


12. Optimize for SEO

If you want your blog post to reach as many people as possible, optimizing it for search engine optimization (SEO) is essential.

This means including relevant keywords throughout your content so that it comes up in search results when people seek information on the topic.

It can be helpful to research which keywords are most famous for the topic you’re writing about.

You can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords and get ideas for new ones.

Once you’ve selected a few keywords, please include them in your blog post’s title, header, and body.



This article highlights some of the most important factors when creating blog posts.

To write a blog post that converts, there are some key elements you’ll need to include.

To increase the likelihood of blog conversion, make sure your posts are well-researched and well-written. Include plenty of images, videos, and interactive elements to engage readers.

Additionally, use social media to promote your blog posts and create a connection with your target audience.

Following these guidelines will increase the likelihood that your blog posts will be read and shared by others, which can lead to increased traffic and conversions.

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